
Hoptic Face-Lift

As you might have noticed, the main site has dipped back into "Under Construction" mode. We're currently retuning the design, tweaking the style. You can get a little taster from what's up right now.

It's busy time here at Hoptic. Currently we're working on websites for clients (which are looking swish) and we're looking forward to announcing a few of the other project we have in works.

On a different note. We've been working on a public repository of help, tips, tricks and general know-how for all things web/graphical/techy. Take a look, it's all free to browse: HopTech. If your interested in contributing, sign up.


Retro Reel

Just a small update. We have made a hoptic facebook page for the facebook addicts.

In the last few of days we've been setting up a super exciting snail webcam for boredomresearch, which will be up in the next couple of days. In case you haven't seen, boredomresearch's realsnailmail has been getting a lot of attention recently (bbc, new scientist, slashdot).


Hoptic version 1 is now live

The thoughts and discussions of the past 8 months have now got substance and context. Version 1 of the site contains examples of our individual work from the past 3 years at the NCCA although we have started projects as a collective. We are currently collaborating with Boredom Research on their Real Snail Mail project producing the web cam component to be presented at Siggraph later this year with other projects in development. More examples of our work is to follow within the week in version 1.1.

We are David and Peter. Thank you for being interested in our adventure.